Tuesday, November 20, 2012

60 Minute+ Metal

In the days before CDs were stuck to magazine covers, you had to pay record companies to do their marketing. In 1983, I sent off £1.25 plus postage and packing for the Neat Records compilation, 60 Minute+ Metal. I was curious to hear what these bands that I had been reading about in Kerrang! over the previous year or so sounded like.

I soon (well after around 28 days or so) found out - they were rubbish. Well, they were all rubbish apart from one. Bursting Out by Venom was an utter mess that sounded like it had been recorded in the drummer's bedroom, but it didn't sound like anything else on the tape, or anything else that I had heard, and it gave me a liking for Venom that I've never really lost.